Wednesday, December 7, 2011


on this episode of Yakntexas we get into home made anchor trolleys. the detachable anchor trolley allows you to clip the ropes to the available yak handles at the front and rear of the boat. there is no need to drill holes. if it's in the way you can simply unclip trolley and store it!  having the anchor trolley running from the tip of the kayak nose to the very back tip allows for the largest possible range of motion when spinning the yak while on anchor. it's a cheap, easy and effective way to stay on anchor and spinn the yak around putting the wind at your back or to face up current etc. 
    some things you will need are 2 $1. hiking clips. ( or 2 brass clips with a ring on one side) a stainless steel ring about 1-2" in diameter ( or u can just use another hiking clip). u will need about 30-40' of small diameter rope. $1.99 in wal-Mart marine section. oh yeah and a hand full of zip ties. the video will show you how to make the rig. comment below if and let me know how the detachable anchor trolley is working for you ! if you have made any improvements to this idea please share them! hope this anchor system is of some help.  tight lines.
Ty southerland (host/producer) Fishn TV 

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